They also still use "Nassau" in their arms. وهم مازالوا يستخدمون "ناساو" في شعاراتهم.
They also still use "Nassau" in their arms. وهم مازالوا يستخدمون "ناساو" في شعاراتهم.
They also still use "Nassau" in their arms. وهم مازالوا يستخدمون "ناساو" في شعاراتهم.
William of Nassau inherited the principality of Orange from his cousin René. ورث ويليام من ناساو إمارة البرتقال من ابن عمه رينيه.
Cash started out in Nassau. تم تحويل المال من مدينة (ناساو)...
That Nassau defense attorney's game? لعبة محامي الدفاع في (ناساو)؟
As the first Nassau to be the Prince of Orange, René could have used "Orange-Nassau" as his new family name. ناساو" اسماً لعائلته الجديدة.
As the first Nassau to be the Prince of Orange, René could have used "Orange-Nassau" as his new family name. ناساو" اسماً لعائلته الجديدة.
The tropical climate and natural environment of the Bahamas have made Nassau a tourist destination. المناخ الاستوائي والجمال الطبيعي جعل من ناساو وجهةً سياحية.
Carl was the third son and child of King Oscar II of Sweden-Norway by his wife, Sophia of Nassau. النرويج من زوجته، صوفيا ناساو.