Eye for an eye sort of thing... ...عين مقابل عين تبدو وكأنكِ
If you will ask eye for an eye then entire world will be blind لو أخدث بمدأ العين بالعين سوف يصبح العالم كله أعمى
Eye for an eye and all that. العين بالعين وما إلى ذلك.
So it's eye for an eye now? أهذا مبدأ العين بالعين الآن؟
Eye for an eye then... العين بالعين، أليس كذلك؟
The philosophy of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is a dangerous one. فلسفة العين بالعين والسِن بالسِن خطيرة للغاية، الحلقة بأكملها قد تُكرر
Especially since his daddy wiped out half our pack and wears our skin to keep warm. Especially since his daddy wiped out half our pack and wears our skin to keep warm. خاصة منذ قضى والده على نصف قطيعنا، ويرتدى جلودنا ليتدفأ بها. An eye for an eye, don't you think?
Especially since his daddy wiped out half our pack and wears our skin to keep warm. Especially since his daddy wiped out half our pack and wears our skin to keep warm. خاصة منذ قضى والده على نصف قطيعنا، ويرتدى جلودنا ليتدفأ بها. An eye for an eye, don't you think?
There are those people who say that it is kind of an eye for an eye law that is at work here, that you're denying homosexuals many of their rights as well. ... هناك أناس يقولون أن هناك قانون العين بالعين فكيف تتعاملين مع مثيلي الجنس بهذا الشكل وتحرمينهم من حقوقهم ؟
The meaning of the principle Eye for an Eye is that a person who has been injured by another person returns the offending action to the originator in compensation, or that an authority does so on behalf of the injured person. ويعنى مبدأ العين بالعين بأن يقابل الشخص الذي أصابه شخص آخر العمل المشين إلى المسبب بالتعويض أو أن تقوم السلطات بذلك نيابة عن الشخص المصاب .