Hath there been such a time, I would fain know that... that I have positively said, "'Tis so," when it proved otherwise? لا استطيع سوى اثبات العكس
I would fain prove so. وسيسعدني أن أثبت ذلك
11, 13, 16, beaufain. 11، 13، 16، beaufain.
11, 13, 16, beaufain. 11، 13، 16، beaufain.
Upper airway irritation, flushed skin, purplish- tinged blood, and a faint almond aroma around the victim's mouth. تكدر مجرى الهواء العلوي، -بشرة محمرة، ضارب إلى الأرجواني دماء مَخضُوب ، و رائحة -flushed skin, purplish tinged blood, and a faint
And as I told you, he put it by once, but, for all that, to my thinking, he would fain have had it. غير أنه لم يكن تاجاً، وإنما كان إكليلاً صغيراً ولكنه، كما قلت سابقاً، رفضه فوراً، ولكن رغم كل هذا، أعتقد
"I ... would fain convince reasonable men of the importance of some of my remarks, and prevail on them to weigh dispassionately the whole tenor of my observations.—I appeal to their understandings; and, as a fellow-creature, claim, in the name of my sex, some interest in their hearts. وأنشد تفهمهم بوصفهم شركاء لنا، وأطالبهم نيابة عن نوعي ببعض الحق في قلوبهم.