I just have some follow-up questions about your dress-up day at the morgue with your friends. لدي بعض الأسئلة الإضافية عن يوم تنكّركِ و صديقاتكِ بالمشرحة
I'm Special Agent Lloyd Lowry, this is my colegue, Julianne Simms, we just have some follow-up questions for you. ،)و هذه زميلتي (جوليان سيمز .لدينا بعض الأسئلة لكِ
Blake Calamar, during his last visit to the grand jury, was asked some follow-up questions based on Miss Sharma's testimony, and you'll just never guess what happened. بلايك كالامار) أثناء زيارته) الاخيرة الى هيئة المحلفين الكبرى سئل بعض الأسئلة (بناءاً على شهادة السيدة (شارما