Iam nowpetitioning to devote fulIBureauresources... to thesearch forAlex Krycek. يام nowpetitioning إلى كرّس fulIBureauresources... إلى thesearch forAlex كريسيك.
Iam nowpetitioning to devote fulIBureauresources... to thesearch forAlex Krycek. يام nowpetitioning إلى كرّس fulIBureauresources... إلى thesearch forAlex كريسيك.
I can assureyou it'll be absolutely inaccessible now. أنا يمكن أن assureyou هو سيكون صعب الوصول جدا الآن.
The orderlies wereherea few moments ago, andtheytookhim away. أين هو؟ الممرضو wereherea بضعة لحظات مضت , andtheytookhim بعيدا.
The orderlies wereherea few moments ago, andtheytookhim away. أين هو؟ الممرضو wereherea بضعة لحظات مضت , andtheytookhim بعيدا.
Gonna make a break and take a fake I'd like a stinkin' aching' shake Gonnamakeabreakandtakea يُزيّفُ أنا wouldlikeastinkin'achin'shake
In case you haven't heard, my sister's a particularly hideous breed of loser. في caseyouhaven'theard , mysister aparticularlyhideousbreedofloser.
My fenders don't really whip me into a verbal frenzy. حواجزي لا reallywhip ني إلى a هيجان شفوي.