I'm getting new headshots taken. أنا على الحصول على headshots جديدة تم اتخاذها.
one shot, one gunshot, and bam! آ¶ one shot, one gunshot, and bam!
one shot, one gunshot, and bam! آ¶ one shot, one gunshot, and bam!
one shot, one gunshot, and bam! آ¶ one shot, one gunshot, and bam!
one shot, one gunshot, and bam! آ¶ one shot, one gunshot, and bam!
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. فيلم The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.
There's another guy with a shot gun. هناك رجل آخر معه shot gun
Yeah, but only through propulsion and that would send us randomly slingshotting into deep space. نعم،لكنفقط خلال الدفع والذييرسلنابشكلعشوائي slingshotting إلى الفضاء البعيد.
Healone canname theman whoshotmysister... andexplain thestrangeradiation deaths aboard the Frenchsalvage vessel. " هيلون canname theman whoshotmysister... وفيّات andexplain thestrangeradiation على متن سفينة فرينتشسالفاج. "
They find a young hotshot like me. يَجِدونَ a hotshot شاب مثلي.