"Appreciate everything you've done for me." "اثمن كل شئ فعلته من اجلي"
You commanded the Captain to punish us harshly for our sins, did you not, Governor? .. سوف تعاقبنا على اثمنا الم تكن ترتكب تلك الاثام?
They paid for it all right. نعـم،دفعواثمنها! ... خمسـة سنتات للهكتار
Tonight, I've been asked to present a very important award to a very important person. جائزة مهمة جداً .. لشخص مهم جداً جائزة اثمن لاعب
And we are very proud to follow in the footsteps of our leader and our most valuable player, Nathan Scott. واثمن لاعب .. نايثن سكوت
It's one of our most treasured memories. هذه من اثمن ذكرياتنا
50,000! No, $ 55,000! اثمنه 50الف لا 55الف
There's something greater there هناك شئ اثمن هناك
What was more valuable than that heavyweight belt was having his mother-in-law raising the children, which she did. كان شيء الاثمن أكثر من ذلك الحزام كانت امه والأطفال
Good name in man and woman, dear my lord is the immediate jewel of their souls. حسن السمعة للرجل و المراءة يا سيدي .. اثمن جوهرة من حلى النفس