Seven years ago, he was seriously wounded in a raid by Russian forces and barely survived. قبلَ سبِع سنوات كان في خطر شديد من قبل القوى الروسية وبالكاد نجى
I swore I would never be a man like him, but I loved him and he was in danger. أقسمت بأنّني لن اكون مثله لكنّي أحببته وهو كان في خطر.
I swore I would never be a man like him, but I loved him and he was in danger. أقسمت بأنّني لن اكون مثله لكنّي أحببته وهو كان في خطر.
The population at risk are the cases appearing in the population during the same time period. السكان في خطر هم الحالات التي تظهر في السكان خلال نفس الفترة الزمنية.
If Acosta thought Daniel was in imminent danger, he'd do whatever he had to do to protect him. لو ظن أكوستا بأن دانييل قد كان في خطر، فإنه سيفعل أي شيء
Oh, no, the reason that Boyd was in any danger at all was because of people like you. اوه , لا , بسبب ان بويد كان في خطر اصلا كان بسببكم
So He knew he was in jeopardy, and his last desperate act was to mail this? إذاً كان يعلم أنّه كان في خطر، وكان عمله الأخير اليائس هو إرسال هذا في البريد؟
An arm that had become infected, was in danger of exposing the body, and had to be cut off. الذراع قد اصيب كان في خطر كشف الجثه . ,لابد عليَ ان أقطعه
Did say she was in pretty rough shape, but he didn't think she was in any real danger. قال بأنها في هيئة سيئة و لكنه لم يكن يعتقد بأنها كان في خطر حقيقي
We know that he's in town. You helped him because you knew that he was in danger, and we're in the same danger now. أنت ساعدته لأنّك عرفت أنّه كان في خطر، ونحن في نفس الخطر الآن.