You spent the night in my bed, there was cuddling, and then you snuck out before dawn so you wouldn't have to face me, which I must say is a total lame guy move that I did not appreciate. لقدقضيتَالليلةبسريري، حصل عناق بيننا, و بعدها إنسللت خارجاً قبلبزوغالفجر. وذلككي لا تواجهني.
I snuck into Rhea's apartment after she was murdered, but before the police showed up, and hid one of your used condoms that I stole from your trash can a week ago? إنسللتُ إلى شُقَّةِ ريا بعد هي قُتِلتْ، لكن قَبْلَ أَنْ ظَهرتْ الشرطةَ، وأخفتْ إحدى واقياتكِ الجنسيةِ المستعملةِ بأنّني سَرقتُ مِنْ برميلِ زبالتكَ قَبْلَ إسبوع؟