But what they didn't know was that their lives would be changed forever because they had been part of something great. ولكنمالا يعرفونه... انحياتهمستتغيرللابد... ...
Oh, and here's Papa, who is always tiresome and putting his nose where it's not wanted! أوه، وهذاهو أبي، والذي دائما مايكون مزعجا ويحشرأنفهحينمالايكون مرغوبا!
In quiet times, when there is not a lot of fighting and I have more time, في الأوقات الهادئة... حينمالايكونهناكمعارككثيرة ، وأحظى بمتسع من الوقت...
No matter what happens, whoever it is, no matter what he says don't open the doors and windows. ...لا تفتحي الابواب والنوافذ لكن,مالامر؟ - اسمعيني
Well, that narrows it down. . حسناً ، هذا يقلّص الإحنمالات
I doubt they'll meet in the future. Because I wouldn't like to push in where I'm not wanted. لأنني لا أريد أن أفرض نفسي عليها،بينمالاترغببي.
While you have the Light put your faith in the Light that you may become sons of the Light. ... بينمالديكالضوء ... ضعإيمانكفيالضوء... بأنك قد تصبح...
But what we do not know is why the killer keeps leaving pictures... of Maureen Prescott taken over 25 years ago. ولكنمالا نعرفهولماذاالقاتليتركصورفىكل مرة ... لمورينبريسكوتمأخوذهمن25سنة.
Sometimes the real world takes over, and then, when there's no one to help you, you're very lonely. أحياناً، يستعيد العالم الحقيقي سيطرته... وحينها،حينمالا تجدشخصاً، يـُساعدك،تشعربالوحدة!
Unfortunately, he didn't realize that the gas was pooling at the bottom so, when he resorted to other methods... لسوءالحظ، أنـّهلميُدركأنّ الغـازملأالقاع .. لذا, حينمالجأإلى الطرقالأخرى..