If you have any requests, why don't you put it in writing? Wait, please. A farmer from outside the city reported that some kind of animal attacked his horses. لو كان عندك اي مطالب لما لا تكتبي تقرير بها؟ انتظري من فضلك فلاح من خارج المدينه
This experiment inspired many others, and in one of these, Porter et al. could convince about half of his subjects that they had survived a vicious animal attack in childhood. هذه التجربة ألهمت العديد ومنهم بورتو استطاع أن يقنع حوالي نصف رعاياه بأنهم نجوا من هجوم حيوان شرير في مرحلة الطفولة.