How many people do not have been evacuated yet? كم من شخص تبقى هناك؟
Due to the prompt response of the rescue unit, the structure was evacuated with no loss of life. تم إخلاءها بدون وفيات
It must have been evacuated already. يجب ان يكون قد تم اجلاء و بالفعل.
I'll try to find the solutions. Our villages are not being evacuated due to labour as mentioned before. إسمع نحن لن نخلي قرانا
I was evacuated during the war - 1941. أجليت خلال الحرب عام 1941
President hassan and his family are being evacuated الرئيس (حسان) وعائلته يتم إخلاؤهم
Half of the boats have been evacuated لَقَد اِعتَلى الرُكَابُ عَلى "قَوارِبِ النَجاة".
Government officials in each city are currently being evacuated to nuclear shelters. المسؤلين الحكومين في كل المدن يجرون حاليا إجلاء إلى الملاجئ النووية
The station must have been evacuated because the first Soyuz is missing. يجب أن تكون المحطة قـّد أخليتّ لأن أول كبسولة "سويوز" مفقودة
The guests are being evacuated as we speak. الضيوف يتم إخلائهم بينما نتكلم.