Well,whatever you do,don't suggest eloping because a wedding conflicts with a big case you've got coming up. إيّاك واقتراح الفرار للزواج سرّاً لأنّ الزفاف يتعارض مع قضيّة كبرى مقبلة
Look, I think the reason why you guys were so excited about eloping is that both of you have a tendency to sort of be set in your ways. هو بشأن هروبكم فكل منكم عنده ميل لذلك لفرز مقاعدكم في طريقكم اعتقد هذا هو سبب انه مهم جدا
There was something about eloping to Vegas... that was kind of exciting and wild... and after the ceremony, when we went back to our room... it just seemed a little cheap and depressing... so I thought I would rather be here with my friends. كان هناك شيئاً ما عن الفرار إلى فيجاس.. لقد كان هذا مثيراً و جميلاً و بعد المراسم،ذهبنا إلى غرفتنا