So, he took a gun out of his glove compartment and then blew his brains out all over his Porsche, in front of his ex-wife. أخذ مسدس من درجه "و فجر مخه فى أنحاء سيارته "البورش أمام زوجته السابقة
No plates, and I couldn't get through the door, so I broke through the passenger window and I checked the glove compartment and found a expired registration. لايوجد لوحات، ولم أتمكن من فتح الباب لذلك، دخلت عبر نافذة الراكب و تفقّدت الدرج
The murder weapon was registered in the name of the deceased, Miguel Ostos, and was kept, mark you, in the glove compartment of the Ballon Rolls-Royce. سلاح الجريمه كان مسجلاً ... بإسم المتوفي ميجيل أوستوس و كان قد إحتفظ بالجراب في مقصورة .بالون الرولز رويس
CSI found a .38 revolver in the glove compartment of your car with empty shell casings in the cylinder, which means it was recently discharged, and your hands tested positive for gunshot residue. فريق التحرى وجد مسدس عيار 38 بصندوق سيارتك مع خزينة رصاصات فارغة مما يدل على انه بالتأكيد تم استعماله