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man and wife

"man and wife" معنى
  • Those who before us have pledged to live as man and wife confirming before God and those assembled here their solemn vows, I therefore pronounce you man and wife.
    ولذلك أعلنكما زوجاً وزوجة
  • You're gonna turn around, you're gonna go home, get naked, lie together as man and wife until Lily is great with child.
    ستستديرون وتعودون للمنزل وتتعرون.. وتضطجعون مثل رجل وزوجته، إلى أن تخرج (ليلي) بطفل
  • For the third time in a week he brought... a man and wife home without so much as a by your leave.
    للمرة الثالثة في غضون أسبوع أحضر ذلك... الرجل السوقي وزوجته إلى المنزل دون أن يطلب حتى مني الإذن بذلك
  • Even though we had lived together as man and wife it was when I left the house, when I was with Sara, that I felt like I was home.
    إنها حقا شيكولاتة رائعة هل هذا الفتى إحدى تلاميذك ؟ أجل, إنه فتى جيد
  • John and Lori were married in Cambridge, by a very special justice of the peace by the power vested in me by the New York Jets and by the united peoples of the planet Mongo i now pronounce you, man and wife
    "تزوج (لوري) و (جون) في "كامبردج من قبل محكمة سلام خاصة بالسلطة المخولة لي "من قبل فريق "نيويورك جيتس
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