You do realize that suggesting to have sex with other women was a monumentally stupid thing to do. أنت تدرك أن إقتراح ممارسة الجنس مع نساء أخريات كان شيء غبي بشكل لا يمكن نسيانه
All right! We are monumentally screwed here... and the last thing I need is you two bickering' like a couple of little girls. حسناً لقد أخفقنا كثيراً هنا و آخر و أحتاج إليه هو أن تتصرفا كفتاتين صغيرتين
I'm gonna say this because I am of your best friends, and I don't want to overstep, but every choice you make in your life about everything is monumentally wrong. سأقول هذا لأنّي إحدى أعزّ صديقاتك، و لا أريد تجاوز الحدّ، لكن كلّ خيارٍ تتّخذينه بتسرّع في حياتك، يكون خاطئاً.
"maybe," he thought, "it was the very fact that tom had done something so monumentally the very fact that tom had done something so monumentally wrong. Something so monumentally wrong. If tom had only done something wrong. فعل شيء خاطيء بشكل اساسي جدا لو ان توم فعل خطأ صغير تافه كارسال رسالة بينما
"maybe," he thought, "it was the very fact that tom had done something so monumentally the very fact that tom had done something so monumentally wrong. Something so monumentally wrong. If tom had only done something wrong. فعل شيء خاطيء بشكل اساسي جدا لو ان توم فعل خطأ صغير تافه كارسال رسالة بينما
"maybe," he thought, "it was the very fact that tom had done something so monumentally the very fact that tom had done something so monumentally wrong. Something so monumentally wrong. If tom had only done something wrong. فعل شيء خاطيء بشكل اساسي جدا لو ان توم فعل خطأ صغير تافه كارسال رسالة بينما
The monumentally colossal World War I was ignited from a spark in the Balkans, when a Bosnian Serb named Gavrilo Princip assassinated the heir to the Austrian throne, Franz Ferdinand. اشتعلت الحرب العالمية الأولى الضخمة من شرارة في البلقان عندما اغتيل شخص من صرب البوسنة يدعى غافريلو برينسيب وريث العرش النمساوي-المجرى فرانز فرديناند.
Now if you had read the file like you said you did, you'd know that she'd have massive scar tissue exactly in the area that you're dissecting, so I think going forward with that dissection is a monumentally stupid course... الآن لو كنت قد قرأت الملفات كما قلت أنك فعلت، كنت ستعرف أن لديها نسيجا ندبيا كبيرا بالضبط في المنطقة التي تعمل عليها،