And you rather failed basic techniques by not consulting first with the patient's chart. وقد فشلتِ بالتقنيات الأساسية by not consulting first with the patient's chart.
We will be gods, Amensu. نحن سَنَكُونُ آلهةَ، Amensu.
We will be gods, Amensu. نحن سَنَكُونُ آلهةَ، Amensu.
I'm seeing a doctor, Dr. Mandali, and a word, "Consumine!" Yeah, it's for dog bites! أَرى طبيب، الدّكتور مندالي، و كلمة، "Consumine! " نعم، هو لعضاتِ الكلبِ!
Her husband's sick,her insurance doesn't cover him,and she's desperate. زوجها مريض والتأمين لايغطي تكاليف علاجه لذلك فهي يائسة Her husband's sick,her insurance doesn't cover him,and she's desperate.
A concubine's heart is of no consequence to King consumed with matters of a whole universe. قلب الخليلة لا يميل للملك consumed with matters of a whole universe.
I love Princess Consuela. أنا أحب الأميرة Consuela.