With scientists unable to explain the events some are wondering if the hand of God is at work. مع العلماء العاجزين عن شرح الأحداث البعض يتسائل إذا كان ذلك من القدر
It seems easy to see that the hand of God was guiding because now I'm aware. يبدو من السهل أن نرى أن يد الله كانت توجه... لأنه الآن... أنا على علم بها.
A man who cast me out, tried to kill me, was brought to this ward by the hand of God to be saved. الرجل الذي نفاني وحاول قتلي والذي أحضر لهذا الحصن
When those who survived made it as far as they could, the hand of God reached down from the heavens and lifted them to the top. عندما يتم انقاذهم يد الله تاتى من السماء
So, whatever you think of Jake, however you want to punish him, being the hand of God is already the worst punishment in the world. مهما فكرتِ في جايك كيفما أردتِ عقابه أن يكون يد الرب
I know one of your victims believed that he was being touched by the hand of God while you were molesting him, أعرف أحد ضحاياك، والذي كان يظن أنه يُلمس بيد الله، عندما كنت تتحرش به
The souls of the just are in the hands of God where no torment shall touch them. Lieutenant Purcell has passed through the darkening and turbulent storms of this life. نحن نكرم هؤلاء الرجال الملازم ـ هنري بارسيل ـ
The woman we saved... she was minding her own business, and then the hand of God dropped a helicopter rotor on her. المرأة التّي أنقذناها... لقد كانت تهتمّ بأمورها الخاصّة، ومن ثُمّ بمشيئة الله أسقط عليها عمود ناقل السرعة.
God is perfect and everything He does is perfect, so a newly created earth from the hand of God should not have been without form and void and shrouded in darkness. الله هو مصدر وخالق الكل، ولا توجد قوة أخرى أبدية غير قوته، الله صالح وحاضر في كل مكان.
Yeah, the hand of God reached into this kid's pants, made him have sex so he could scratch a rash, stick his fingers in some woman's face, give her a few extra months. معجزة - نعم - يد الرب امتدت لسروال الفتى و جعلته يمارس الجنس كي يحك القرحة و يضع إصبعه على وجه امرأة ليعطيها أشهر زائدة