His name is Dr Abel Gideon, and strong evidence has surfaced 'that he's far more than a mild mannered surgeon 'who cruelly murdered his wife. إن إسمه دكتور (أبل جيديون) وقد ظهرت لنا عدة ادلة قوية تفيدبكونهأكثرمن... مجرد جراح معتدل السلوك، أقدم على قتل زوجته بشكل وحشي
And so I walk into his little makeshift office, and I see him crouched in the corner beating off so savagely, like just going at it like he had a gun to his head. ودخلت إلى مكتبه المؤقت وأراه جاثم في الزاوية يمارس العادة السرية بشكل وحشيّ