Although there was no Bluetooth in Justice Ludwig's car, his phone had a speaker function making it possible for him to... make a call and not hold his cell phone while driving... رغم عدم وجود نظام البلوتوث في سيارة القاضي لودويغ فإن هاتفه يحتوي على مكبر ... مما يسمح له بـ
Ms. Yeargin, during your investigation of Justice Ludwig, would you say that the combination of this attention, along with his obviously precarious finances, was making him depressed-- depressed enough, in fact, to do something desperate, something like suicide? آنسة يرغين، أثناء تحقيقكِ بشأن القاضي لودويغ، أيمكن أن نقول أن اجتماع هذا الانتباه منكم