Ba especially the Si also came your spirit is quite good he always so spirit of listen to don't caused disturbance again let them thoroughly compete let the wheat Er win,I can see you certain what you say? أين هو "ماثياس" ؟ هل هو متهيأ ؟ .هو دائماً متهيأ
Ba especially the Si also came your spirit is quite good he always so spirit of listen to don't caused disturbance again let them thoroughly compete let the wheat Er win,I can see you certain what you say? أين هو "ماثياس" ؟ هل هو متهيأ ؟ .هو دائماً متهيأ
Ba especially the Si also came your spirit is quite good he always so spirit of listen to don't caused disturbance again let them thoroughly compete let the wheat Er win,I can see you certain what you say? أين هو "ماثياس" ؟ هل هو متهيأ ؟ .هو دائماً متهيأ
According to Paul K. Matthias, who made the measurements, the damage consisted of a "series of deformations in the starboard side that start and stop along the hull ... about 10 feet above the bottom of the ship". وبحسب پول كي ماثياس الذي قام بالقياسات فالضرر تآلف من "سلسلة من التشوهات في الجانب الأيمن التي بدأت وتوقفت على طول الهيكل
Abrashi's impressive performance in the reserve team caught the attention of the first team coach Mathias Walther, who included the 18-year-old in his squad for the Challenge League class against La Chaux-de-Fonds on 27 April 2008. وقد استحوذت أدائه في الجانب الاحتياطي على اهتمام مدرب الفريق الأول ماثياس والثر، الذي ضم الفريق البالغ من العمر 18 عاما في فريقه لفئة دوري التحدي أمام نادي لا شو دو فون في 27 أبريل 2008.