It was caused by residue left from pethidine, an opiate affectionately known as demerol. نتج عن دواء بيثادين المهدىء المتبقي مسكن آلام ذو تأثير قوي يعرف باسم ديميرول
Repetition forms patterns on the brain, and as those patterns reoccur, it forms a calming influence on the child. و كلما تكررت هذه الانماط, تشكل تأثير مهدىء على الطفل
I was afraid he was a danger to himself, but I only gave him a sedative. كنت أخشى أنه قد يشكل خطراً على نفسه, لذا, قمت بحقنه بمهدىء فقط.
He couldn't get to sleep, so I gave him a glass of milk with a handful of my mom's Valium in it. لذلك أعطيته كوب من الحليب الدافىء ووضعت فيه حفنة من المهدىء الخاص بوالدتي