He's a charmer that knows that some people lose themselves in the moment and others stop at nothing to please their partners. هو a charmer الذي يَعْرفُ ذلك البعضِ الناس يَفْقدونَ أنفسهم في اللحظةِ ويَتوقّفُ الآخرين في لا شيءِ لرجاءً شركائِهم.
R6 that chickenshit snake charmer wouldn't come into my... my courtroom, 'cause he knew I would have peeled a couple right back at him. أو عن ساحر الدجاج ذلك الجبان الذي لن يأتي لدار محكمتي لأنه يعرف أنني قد أقشر زوجاَ منه
Okay, you know, it's important to my dad, and, I don't know, I wasn't exactly a charmer the first time I met Kate and Isabel, and I need to make it up to them. (بولي) مَنْ؟ حسنٌ ، هذا مهم لأبي ولا أدري ..
But I wanted to make sure before I declared myself she likewise had kept herself for me and hadn't been seduced by the first charmer that came along with a... لكن أحببت التأكد قبل أن أعلن عن نفسي بأنها أيضاً أبقت نفسها لي و لم يغرها الساحر الذي جاءها بـ...