And it's the wrong answer. The correct answer is flee. هذا هو الحل الخطأ، The correct answer is flee.
I own a company that dominates the world market for superconductors. أَمتلكُ شركة التي تُسيطرُ عليها السوق العالمية لsuperconductors.
ominous music playing ) ( birds twittering ) Edited by Doctor-Semsem من انتاج افلام ديزني الجميلة والوحش
Let's get a tox screen and a CT of his head. دعنا نقوم بتحاليل السموم و أشعة مقطعية لرأسه
We canrunhis indicators... againstallsuspectsarrestedin the D. C. areain thelastcoupleyears. نحن مؤشرات canrunhis... againstallsuspectsarrestedin دي . سي .
Sir, I didn't expectyou back to work for a few weeks. سيد، أنا لم expectyou راجع للشغل لبضعة أسابيع.
I want a C-spine now. And have CT prep for us. أحتاج لصورة العمود الفقري الآن، وأحضر الإعدادات اللازمة
"in my head are many facts في رأسي العديد من الحقائق in my head are many facts
" Merrily we roll along ##" ( Continues. ##" نحن نتمايل بمرح ##" ( Continues. Indistinct )
Albin, what is the most wondrous thing you have ever seen ? ايه، رَأيتُ ectoplasm مرّة. Ectoplasm؟