Economists and bankers... claimed they made market safer. سمى المشتقات أو الاستثمار البديل المصطلح هو derivatives أدعى الاقتصاديون و المصرفيون أنهم جعلوا السوق أكثر أمانا
This cognitive behavioural thing. ذلك الشيء الخاص بالمعرفة السلوكية (cognitive behavioural)
Plus as a human being, he's... super-lative. super-lative بالإضافة كإنسان، انه
NEAT is Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. هو(NEAT) Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis.
And that's when I realize it's the Dole executive I've been trying to meet. وحينها ادركت it's the Dole executive I've been trying to meet.
Split infinitives, too many used? infinitives الانقسام، يستخدم عدد كبير جدا؟
Ah, it's Mr Overactive Glands. آه، هو السّيدُ Overactive Glands.
Executively yours, Fred Fli.. رقق. Executively يدكم ، فريد Fli...
Especially now, after a few decades of relativistic situational ethics, our society is tired of constant change. خصوصاً بعد بَعْض العقودِ أخلاقِ reltivist، مجتمعنا تَعبَ تغييرِ.
Zoloft for depression, Antivert for... زولوفت لعلاج الاكتئاب، Antivert ل...