I mean, why is he changing the game all of a sudden? أعني، لم يغيّر اللعبة على حين غِرّة؟
"You come out of blue with a gift of love." "Drop a word and I swear" "أتيتَ على حين غِرّة بهدية الحبّ"
The police raided us so suddenly الشرطة هاجمتنا على حين غِرّة .
So you accidentally removed your head scarf? إذن،على غِرّة،أزلتى حجاب شعرُكِ؟ -اجل.
We won't get caught unawares again. لن نُقتنص على حين غِرّة مجدداً
It'd mess with our heads and make us lazy, blah-blah-blah. But then suddenly, dad goes out فستعبث بعقولنا، وتجعلنا كسالى وهلمَّجرًّا،لكنعلى حين غِرّةٍيخرج أبي..
She died very suddenly. وهي قد علي حين غِرّة
How is it my fault we're both sitting here? I guess if I was alone, I never would've been taken by surprize. أظنّني لو كنتُ بمفردي، لما أُخِذت على حين غِرّة أبدًا.
He was playing at the beach with his friends and they said the tide must have caught them off guard. لقد كان يلعب عند الشّاطئ مع أصدقاءه، وقالواْ المدّ لا بدّ أنّه سحبه على حين غِرّة.
He was playing at the beach with his friends and they said the tide must have caught them off guard. لقد كان يلعب عند الشّاطئ مع أصدقاءه، وقالواْ المدّ لا بدّ أنّه سحبه على حين غِرّة.