And they were getting ready to walk me home. And they were getting على استعداد للسير لي منزل.
They were tested in Belfast with 70 men! They were tested in Belfast لقد تم إختبارهم في بلفاست ب 70 رجلاً
tell them they were made for me... ¶ ♪ اخبرهم they were made for me...
Oh, they weren't biting for some reason. Oh, they weren't biting لسبب ما
The only time they were any good was when I was hell-bent on destroying them. The only time they were any good كانت عندما كنت مصره على تدميرهم
The man drinks the blood of insects... and bent the bars of his cell like they were cheese. فهذا الرجل يشرب دماء الحشرات and bent the bars of his cell like they were cheese.
Last time I saw Ian, he was at the brunch, drinking what he said were virgin blue lagoons like they were water. أخر مرة رأيت فيها ايان ,كان على الغداء "يشرب ما قال عنه "عذراء" ,و"بحيرات زرقاء like they were water.
As for the rest of the people in this town, I can't say they were as charmed by your cyber adioses as I was. اما بالنسبه لسكان القريه لا استطيع القول they were as charmed by your cyber adioses as I was.