
circulation معنى

[ ˌsə:kju'leiʃən ] يبدو
circulation أمثلة على
  • n.
    الانتشار, دورة دموية, تداول, رواج, جريان
  • دَوَران


    المزيد من الجملة:  السابقة    التالية
  1. We got to get the circulation going again. You could lose your fingers.
    وازاله التجمد كي لاتفقد اصابعك
  2. Circulation to her tail was cut off for quite a long time.
    الدورة الدمويّة لذيلها انقطعت لمدّةٍ طويلة
  3. All right, there's just enough circulation to perfuse his brain.
    حسنا . هناك مايكفي من الأعصاب لتشغيل دماغة
  4. No, I'm just ready to image the posterior circulation now.
    كلّا، أنا مستعدٌ لتصوير الدورةِ الدمويّة الخلفيّة الآن
  5. So all our theories about human circulation would be wrong?
    يعني كل نظرية تعلمنا تداول غير صحيح .

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. the spread or transmission of something (as news or money) to a wider group or area
  2. the dissemination of copies of periodicals (as newspapers or magazines)
  3. free movement or passage (as of cytoplasm within a cell or sap through a plant); "ocean circulation is an important part of global climate"; "a fan aids air circulation"
  4. movement through a circuit; especially the movement of blood through the heart and blood vessels
  5. number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are sold; "by increasing its circulation the newspaper hoped to increase its advertising"
  6. (library science) the count of books that are loaned by a library over a specified period

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. circulating currencies معنى
  2. circulating fluidized bed combustor معنى
  3. circulating free dna معنى
  4. circulating tumor cell معنى
  5. circulating tumor dna معنى
  6. circulation fan معنى
  7. circulation of applications معنى
  8. circulation pattern of the atmosphere معنى
  9. circulations معنى
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