
creep معنى

[ kri:p ] يبدو
creep أمثلة على
  • n.
    تنمل اليد, تسلق, خدر, ذعر, نبات معترش
  • v.
    زحف, انسل, لص, اعترش, تغير شكله
  • زَحْفٌ


    المزيد من الجملة:  السابقة    التالية
  1. You feel my little orisons creeping up your spine?
    كنت تشعر بلادي قليلا الزاحف العمود الفقري الخاص بك؟
  2. How long are these creeps gonna be out of town?
    إلى متى سيظل هذان غريبا الأطوار خارج البلدة؟
  3. uncle Kresk, you're beginning to creep the shit out of me.
    خالى كريسك أنت تسعى لإخراج التغوط منى
  4. Okay, but here's where you break out the can of creep repellent.
    حسنا,لكن هنا حيث تطلق الطارد المنفرالبغيض
  5. And two, I wasn't some creep staring at his ass.
    واثنين، لم أكن بعض زحف يحدق في مؤخرته.

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. a slow mode of locomotion on hands and knees or dragging the body; "a crawl was all that the injured man could manage"; "the traffic moved at a creep"
    مرادفات crawl, crawling, creeping
  2. a pen that is fenced so that young animals can enter but adults cannot
  3. a slow longitudinal movement or deformation
  4. someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric
    مرادفات weirdo, weirdie, weirdy, spook
  1. move slowly; in the case of people or animals with the body near the ground; "The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed"
    مرادفات crawl
  2. to go stealthily or furtively; "..stead of sneaking around spying on the neighbor''s house"
    مرادفات sneak, mouse, pussyfoot
  3. grow or spread, often in such a way as to cover (a surface); "ivy crept over the walls of the university buildings"
  4. show submission or fear
    مرادفات fawn, crawl, cringe, cower, grovel

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. creek war معنى
  2. creek whaler معنى
  3. creeks معنى
  4. creekside, kentucky معنى
  5. creel (basket) معنى
  6. creep (2004 film) معنى
  7. creep (2014 film) معنى
  8. creep (deformation) معنى
  9. creep 2 معنى
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