
deposit معنى

[ di'pɔzit ] يبدو
deposit أمثلة على
  • n.
    عربون مقدم, رواسب, طبقة, ركاز معادن, الوديعة, تراكم طبيعى, تأمين, ترسب
  • v.
    دفع عربون, ودع فى مصرف, أقر, رسب, حقل, خلف, استقر, دفع تأمين
  • راسِب


    المزيد من الجملة:  السابقة    التالية
  1. No, I don't know. Look, I'm gonna need a deposit on these.
    كلا، لا أعرف، يلزمني عربون لهذا
  2. Lis, I found a big caramel deposit on her back.
    ليسا) ، وجدت مجموعة حلوى كراميل على ظهرها)
  3. Although the safety deposit box was a nice touch.
    على الرغم من صندوق ودائع الأمان كانت فكرة جيدة
  4. I got a deposit check for my kid's party right here.
    أحمل صكاً لحفل عيد مولد طفلي هنا
  5. A fern plant deposits billions of spores in its lifetime.
    نبات السرخس تضع مليارات من الابواغ في حياتها

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. the act of putting something somewhere
    مرادفات deposition
  2. a facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping
    مرادفات depository, depositary, repository
  3. a payment given as a guarantee that an obligation will be met
  4. matter that has been deposited by some natural process
    مرادفات sediment
  5. the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating
    مرادفات sedimentation, alluviation
  6. money given as security for an article acquired for temporary use; "his deposit was refunded when he returned the car"
  7. a partial payment made at the time of purchase; the balance to be paid later
    مرادفات down payment
  8. money deposited in a bank or some similar institution
    مرادفات bank deposit
  9. the natural process of laying down a deposit of something
    مرادفات deposition
  1. put, fix, force, or implant; "lodge a bullet in the table"; "stick your thumb in the crack"
    مرادفات lodge, wedge, stick
  2. put (something somewhere) firmly; "She posited her hand on his shoulder"; "deposit the suitcase on the bench"; "fix your eyes on this spot"
    مرادفات situate, fix, posit
  3. put into a bank account; "She deposits her paycheck every month"
    مرادفات bank

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. deposed معنى
  2. deposed queen sin معنى
  3. deposed queen yun معنى
  4. deposes معنى
  5. deposing معنى
  6. deposit (finance) معنى
  7. deposit account معنى
  8. deposit debris معنى
  9. deposit in معنى
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