
mantle معنى

[ 'mæntl ] يبدو
mantle أمثلة على
  • n.
    عباءة, معطف, شملة رداء, رف المستوقد, الرتينة غطاء مخرم
  • v.
    تورد, خجل, غطى
  • غِطَاءٌ


    المزيد من الجملة:  السابقة    التالية
  1. Kilo Echo Bravo, we'll be conducting orbits around Fremantle.
    صدى كيلو Bravo، نحن سَنَكُونُ إجْراء المداراتِ حول Fremantle.
  2. Kilo Echo Bravo, we'll be conducting orbits around Fremantle.
    صدى كيلو Bravo، نحن سَنَكُونُ إجْراء المداراتِ حول Fremantle.
  3. Mickey Mantle don't care about you. Why care about him?
    انه لن يبالي بك ولماذا تهتم به اذن ؟
  4. Mickey Mantle came and took it and got away on Secretariat.
    ميكي مانتل) أتى وأخذها) الى سكرتيرته
  5. Well, with all due respect, sir, the mantle has passed.
    حسناً، مع كلّ الإحترام المستحق سيدى، فلنتبارى في ذلك

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. a sleeveless garment like a cloak but shorter
    مرادفات cape
  2. hanging cloth used as a blind (especially for a window)
    مرادفات curtain, drape, drapery, pall
  3. shelf that projects from wall above fireplace; "in Britain they call a mantel a chimneypiece"
    مرادفات mantel, mantelpiece, mantlepiece, chimneypiece
  4. (zoology) a protective layer of epidermis in mollusks or brachiopods that secretes a substance forming the shell
    مرادفات pallium
  5. the cloak as a symbol of authority; "place the mantle of authority on younger shoulders"
  6. anything that covers; "there was a blanket of snow"
    مرادفات blanket
  7. the layer of the earth between the crust and the core
  1. cover like a mantle; "The ivy mantles the building"
  2. spread over a surface, like a mantle

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. mantis bug tracker معنى
  2. mantis octospilota معنى
  3. mantis shrimp معنى
  4. mantissa معنى
  5. mantissas معنى
  6. mantle (clothing) معنى
  7. mantle (geology) معنى
  8. mantle bacterium معنى
  9. mantle cell lymphoma معنى
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