
slip معنى

[ slip ] يبدو
slip أمثلة على
  • n.
    تزلج, سقطة زلة, فلتة, أثر سير السفينة, عثرة, مزلق السفن, انسلال, نسيان, انزلاق, هبوط, انخفاض, قميص تحتي, ملابس داخلية, إطلاق, قصاصة, إنزلاق جانبي, مقعد طويل, دهان الفخار, كواليس المسرح, خطاء فادح, إنهيار الأرضي, فسل, دعامة, هفوة, كبوة
  • v.
    انزلق, ثلج, غاب عن الذاكرة, أزال, أخطأ, لبس بسرعة, تعتل صحته, تنزلق السيارة أو الطيارة جانبيا, زلق, خلع, لبس بعجلة, أطلق, ندس خلسة, تجنب ضربة بإبعاد جسمه
  • slip by    فلت, انزلق
  • slip in    إنزبق; انزبق; نزبق
  • slip into    إنغل; إنغلل; انغل; ...


    المزيد من الجملة:  السابقة    التالية
  1. Haven't you ever seen anybody in a slip before?
    ألم تَرى من قبل أي شخص مرتدياً قطعة واحدة؟
  2. Father Merrin was afraid he'd slip into admiration.
    الاب مارين كان خائف من ان ينزلق الى مرحلة الاعجاب
  3. Don't want anyone to slip and hurt themselves, so we'll end the tour here.
    ولانُريدلأحدهمبأنينزلق ويؤذي نفسه، لذاسنُنهيالجولةهُنا.
  4. Time! All right, just go easy now. Slip the jab now.
    هذه الأكواب التى شرب بها روكى،عشرة دولارات
  5. Let's stop fooling around. Let's just slip him some money.
    دعونا نكفّ عن إهدار الوقت ولنعطه بعض المال

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. the act of avoiding capture (especially by cunning)
    مرادفات elusion, eluding
  2. a minor inadvertent mistake usually observed in speech or writing or in small accidents or memory lapses etc.
    مرادفات slip-up, miscue, parapraxis
  3. a socially awkward or tactless act
    مرادفات faux pas, gaffe, solecism, gaucherie
  4. a flight maneuver; aircraft slides sideways in the air
    مرادفات sideslip
  5. an unexpected slide
    مرادفات skid, sideslip
  6. bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow; "the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase"
    مرادفات case, pillowcase, pillow slip
  7. a woman''s sleeveless undergarment
    مرادفات chemise, shimmy, shift, teddy
  8. a small sheet of paper; "a receipt slip"
    مرادفات slip of paper
  9. artifact consisting of a narrow flat piece of material
    مرادفات strip
  10. a slippery smoothness; "he could feel the slickness of the tiller"
    مرادفات slickness, slick, slipperiness
  11. an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall; "he blamed his slip on the ice"; "the jolt caused many slips and a few spills"
    مرادفات trip
  12. a place where a craft can be made fast
    مرادفات mooring, moorage, berth
  13. a young and slender person; "he''s a mere slip of a lad"
  14. a part (sometimes a root or leaf or bud) removed from a plant to propagate a new plant through rooting or grafting
    مرادفات cutting
  15. potter''s clay that is thinned and used for coating or decorating ceramics
  1. insert inconspicuously or quickly or quietly; "He slipped some money into the waiter''s hand"
  2. get worse; "My grades are slipping"
    مرادفات drop off, drop away, fall away
  3. move out of position; "dislocate joints"; "the artificial hip joint luxated and had to be put back surgically"
    مرادفات dislocate, luxate, splay
  4. pass out of one''s memory
    مرادفات slip one''s mind
  5. to make a mistake or be incorrect
    مرادفات err, mistake
  6. move obliquely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner; "the wheels skidded against the sidewalk"
    مرادفات skid, slue, slew, slide
  7. move stealthily; "The ship slipped away in the darkness"
    مرادفات steal
  8. move smoothly and easily; "the bolt slipped into place"; "water slipped from the polished marble"
  9. cause to move with a smooth or sliding motion; "he slipped the bolt into place"
  10. move easily; "slip into something comfortable"
  11. pass on stealthily; "He slipped me the key when nobody was looking"
    مرادفات sneak

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. slinked معنى
  2. slinking معنى
  3. slinks معنى
  4. slinky معنى
  5. slip (clothing) معنى
  6. slip away معنى
  7. slip by معنى
  8. slip casting معنى
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