
split معنى

[ split ] يبدو
split أمثلة على
  • adj.
    مصدوع, مفلوق, منقسم, مشقوق, مجزأ
  • n.
    فلع, انشقاق, شق, تشقق الجلد, تشقق الجلد من البرد, انقسام, تصدع, تقسيم, صدع, تمزق, فلق, انفصال, زجاجة مياه غازية
  • v.
    انفجر, انشق, شق, فلق, تجزأ, قسم, صدع, انطلق, أفشى, تمزق, انقسم, إنطلق بسرعة خاطفة, خان, وشى ب, نفض, قطع, تشعب
  • مُنْشَطِرٌ [تشريح]


    المزيد من الجملة:  السابقة    التالية
  1. Look, I'm tellin' you, he'll split if we don't move.
    أخبرك يا (واينستوك)، سوف يتركنا إن لم نتحرك
  2. We'll split up. What's that supposed to be, a threat?
    سوف نفترق, ماذا يفترض أن يعني ذلك, تهديداَ؟
  3. It's not splitting you're worried about, it's fear that's killing you!
    إنقسامك لايقلقك ! الخوف هو الذى يقتلك
  4. Ah, I hate it, but we've gotta split the force.
    آه، انا أكره هذا، علينا ان نقسم الفريق
  5. You whip this sucker's ass and we split 50-50. All right? Huh?
    لا تخيب هذا المغفل, وسنتقاسمها بالتساوى

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. (especially of wood) cut or ripped longitudinally with the grain; "we bought split logs for the fireplace"
  2. having been divided; having the unity destroyed; "Congress...gave the impression of...a confusing sum of disconnected local forces"-Samuel Lubell; "a league of disunited nations"- E.B.White; "a fragmented coalition"; "a split group"
    مرادفات disconnected, disunited, fragmented
  1. come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure; "The bubble burst"
    مرادفات burst, break open
  2. separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument; "cleave the bone"
    مرادفات cleave, rive
  3. go one''s own way; move apart; "The friends separated after the party"
    مرادفات separate, part
  4. discontinue an association or relation; go different ways; "The business partners broke over a tax question"; "The couple separated after 25 years of marriage"; "My friend and I split up"
    مرادفات separate, part, split up, break, break up
  5. separate into parts or portions; "divide the cake into three equal parts"; "The British carved up the Ottoman Empire after World War I"
    مرادفات divide, split up, separate, dissever, carve up
  1. division of a group into opposing factions; "another schism like that and they will wind up in bankruptcy"
    مرادفات schism
  2. the act of rending or ripping or splitting something; "he gave the envelope a vigorous rip"
    مرادفات rent, rip
  3. extending the legs at right angles to the trunk (one in front and the other in back)
  4. an increase in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders'' equity; "they announced a two-for-one split of the common stock"
    مرادفات stock split, split up
  5. (tenpin bowling) a divided formation of pins left standing after the first bowl; "he was winning until he got a split in the tenth frame"
  6. a dessert of sliced fruit and ice cream covered with whipped cream and cherries and nuts
  7. an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart; "there was a rip in his pants"; "she had snags in her stockings"
    مرادفات rip, rent, snag, tear
  8. a lengthwise crack in wood; "he inserted the wedge into a split in the log"
  9. a promised or claimed share of loot or money; "he demanded his split before they disbanded"
  10. a bottle containing half the usual amount

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. splinters معنى
  2. splintery معنى
  3. splinting معنى
  4. splints معنى
  5. splish معنى
  6. split (2016 american film) معنى
  7. split (unix) معنى
  8. split airport معنى
  9. split applications معنى
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