
stabilize معنى

[ 'steibilaiz ] يبدو
stabilize أمثلة على
  • v.
    رسخ, ثبت, استقر, حفظ توازن, وازن
  • يُثَبِّتُ


    المزيد من الجملة:  السابقة    التالية
  1. That would only moderate or stabilize his compulsive behavior.
    الذى من شأنه تعديل سلوكه القهرى او جعله مستقرا
  2. Stabilize that car, so you can get that woman out. You heard him.
    عدل السيارة كي نخرج المرأة
  3. They must have found a way to stabilize him somehow.
    لابد أنهم وجدوا وسيلة ما للحفاظ على استقراره
  4. I've had to stabilize his head, given the extent of the injuries.
    إضطررت لتثبيت رأسه بالنظر لشدة إصاباته
  5. Nice work. - If we can stabilize the vertices.
    عمل جيد - إن نجحنا في جعلها مستقرة -

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. make stable and keep from fluctuating or put into an equilibrium; "The drug stabilized her blood pressure"; "stabilize prices"
    مرادفات stabilise
  2. become stable or more stable; "The economy stabilized"
    مرادفات stabilise
  3. support or hold steady and make steadfast, with or as if with a brace; "brace your elbows while working on the potter''s wheel"
    مرادفات brace, steady, stabilise

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. stabilization and control معنى
  2. stabilization force معنى
  3. stabilization pact summit معنى
  4. stabilization, security, transition, and reconstruction operations معنى
  5. stabilizations معنى
  6. stabilized معنى
  7. stabilizer معنى
  8. stabilizer (chemistry) معنى
  9. stabilizers معنى
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