
thickly معنى

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thickly أمثلة على
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    المزيد من الجملة:  السابقة    التالية
  1. These efforts were effective on beaches that were not too thickly covered in oil.
    اتسمت هذه الجهود بالنجاح على الشواطئ التي لم تكن مغطاةً بالنفط بغزارة.
  2. The extreme length of the city was little less than a mile, and the whole intramural area is still thickly strewn with architectural remains.
    وكان الطول الأقصى للمدينة أقل من ميل قليلا، والمنطقة الداخلية الكاملة ما زالت مغطاة بالبقايا المعمارية.
  3. Andersson juxtaposes thickly layered paint and loosely washed areas, painting often with skewed perspectives, irreconcilable spaces, and impossible circumstances coexisting.
    يقارن أندرسون الدهانات ذات الطبقات السميكة والمناطق المغسولة بشكلٍ فضفاض، ويصور في كثير من الأحيان بآفاق منحرفة، ومساحات غير قابلة للتوفيق، وظروف مستحيلة تتعايش.
  4. They may also be used to warn of children playing, playgrounds, bicycle area, deaf child, blind pedestrians, and thickly settled zones where pedestrians may enter the road.
    أنها يمكن أن تستخدم أيضا للتحذير من الأطفال الذين يلعبون، والملاعب، ومنطقة للدراجات، طفل أصم، أعمى المشاة، واستقر المناطق غزيرا حيث قد تدخل المارة على الطريق.
  5. First, the calcium carbonate deposit that formed so thickly inside the aqueduct channels also formed inside the pipes, effectively insulating the water from the lead, so that the two never touched.
    أولا، ترسيب كربونات الكالسيوم التي شكلت طبقة سميكة جدا داخل قنوات المياه كانت تترسب أيضًا داخل الأنابيب، مما يوفرعزلًا فعالًا للمياه ضد الرصاص.

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. in a concentrated manner; "old houses are often so densely packed that perhaps three or four have to be demolished for every new one built"; "a thickly populated area"
    مرادفات densely, densely
  2. in quick succession; "misfortunes come fast and thick"
    مرادفات thick, thick
  3. spoken with poor articulation as if with a thick tongue; "after a few drinks he was beginning to speak thickly"
  4. with thickness; in a thick manner; "spread 1/4 lb softened margarine or cooking fat fairly thickly all over the surface"; "we were visiting a small, thickly walled and lovely town with straggling outskirt"
  5. with a thick consistency; "the blood was flowing thick"
    مرادفات thick, thick
  6. in a concentrated manner; "old houses are often so densely packed that perhaps three or four have to be demolished for every new one built"; "a thickly populated area"
    مرادفات densely, densely
  7. in quick succession; "misfortunes come fast and thick"
    مرادفات thick, thick
  8. spoken with poor articulation as if with a thick tongue; "after a few drinks he was beginning to speak thickly"
  9. with thickness; in a thick manner; "spread 1/4 lb softened margarine or cooking fat fairly thickly all over the surface"; "we were visiting a small, thickly walled and lovely town with straggling outskirt"
  10. with a thick consistency; "the blood was flowing thick"
    مرادفات thick, thick

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. thickhead معنى
  2. thickheaded معنى
  3. thickish معنى
  4. thicklip grey mullet معنى
  5. thicklip pupfish معنى
  6. thickness معنى
  7. thickness contour معنى
  8. thickness formula معنى
  9. thickness line معنى
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