
aboriginal معنى

[ ˌæbə'ridʒənəl ] يبدو
aboriginal أمثلة على
  • adj.
    بدائي, متعلق بسكان البلاد الاصليين
  • n.
  • وَاطِن ; سَاكِنٌ أَصْلِيّ


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Adopting an Aboriginal child is much more complicated than you realize. Neil!
    إن تبني طفل محلي معقّد جداً
  2. How would you like to participate in an aboriginal walkabout?
    ما رأيكم ان تشاركوا بالتجوال كالسكان الأصليين ؟
  3. They stayed connected in the original sense, in the aboriginal sense.
    بقوا على اتصال بالمعنى الأصلي بمعنى السُكان الأصليين
  4. For a man who was just defeated By an aboriginal army
    أن تكون رجلاً قد هزم بواسطة جيش كبير
  5. Did you know Australian aboriginals use boomerangs to hunt?
    هل تعلم السكان الأصليين الأستراليين استخدام boomerangs لمطاردة؟

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning; "native Americans"; "the aboriginal peoples of Australia"
    مرادفات native
  1. having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state; "aboriginal forests"; "primal eras before the appearance of life on earth"; "the forest primeval"; "primordial matter"; "primordial forms of life"
    مرادفات primal, primeval, primaeval, primordial
  1. an indigenous person who was born in a particular place; "the art of the natives of the northwest coast"; "the Canadian government scrapped plans to tax the grants to aboriginal college students"
    مرادفات native, indigen, indigene, aborigine

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. abonsam معنى
  2. abora (deity) معنى
  3. aborad معنى
  4. aboral معنى
  5. aborichthys elongatus معنى
  6. aboriginal and torres strait islander commission معنى
  7. aboriginal australians معنى
  8. aboriginal awareness week معنى
  9. aboriginal child protection معنى
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