
basin معنى

[ 'beisən ] يبدو
basin أمثلة على
  • n.
    حوض, طشت, حوض النهر, جفنة
  • الحَوض


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Pour the boiling water in the basin and bring it here.
    ضعي الماء في الوعاء .وأحضريه إلى هنا
  2. Yeah, man. Deal go down. Basin Police show up.
    نعم يا رجل، الصفقة فشلت لأن الشرطة عرضت الحوض
  3. The incan ice woman of peru. The tarim basin mummies of china.
    إمرأة البيروية الثلجيّة والموميات الصينية المحنّطة
  4. Appreciate that. Usin' the washing basin to clean up.
    أقدّر لك ذلك ، أنا أستعمل دلو الغسيل للإستحمام
  5. And we're gonna go to the Amazon Basin together and water ski.
    وسنذهب إلى حوض الأمازون سوية والمزلج المائي

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. a bowl-shaped vessel; usually used for holding food or liquids; "she mixed the dough in a large basin"
  2. a bathroom sink that is permanently installed and connected to a water supply and drainpipe; where you can wash your hands and face; "he ran some water in the basin and splashed it on his face"
    مرادفات washbasin, washbowl, washstand, lavatory
  3. the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries; an area characterized by all runoff being conveyed to the same outlet; "flood control in the Missouri basin"
    مرادفات river basin, watershed, drainage basin, catchment area, catchment basin, drainage area
  4. a natural depression in the surface of the land often with a lake at the bottom of it; "the basin of the Great Salt Lake"
  5. the quantity that a basin will hold; "a basinful of water"
    مرادفات basinful

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. basils معنى
  2. basim al-karbalaei معنى
  3. basim qasim معنى
  4. basimah معنى
  5. basimah yusuf butrus معنى
  6. basin and range province معنى
  7. basin irrigation معنى
  8. basin state معنى
  9. basin, wyoming معنى
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