
collateral معنى

[ kə'lætərəl ] يبدو
collateral أمثلة على
  • adj.
    ملازم, مباشر
  • رادِف [ج: رَوادِفُ]


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. I really think one human being will be collateral enough.
    أعتقد أن فرد واحد منا سيكون ضمانا كافيا
  2. Seventy-five percent chance of collateral damage to life-support systems.
    خمسة وسبعون بالمئة فرص أضرار جانبية لأنظمة دعم الحياة
  3. I couldn't let LaGuerta become Miguel's collateral damage.
    "لم أستطع السماح بترك (لاغويرتا) تصبح من أضرار (ميغيل) الجانبيّة"
  4. It's more collateral damage in our search for fucking Freebo.
    "أنه ضرر إضافى فى بحثتنا عن اللعين "فريبو
  5. He's just collateral damage to the people at the mall.
    ـ لقد كانت ضرراً مُصاحِباً للناس في المول

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. descended from a common ancestor but through different lines; "cousins are collateral relatives"; "an indirect descendant of the Stuarts"
    مرادفات indirect
  1. situated or running side by side; "collateral ridges of mountains"
  2. accompany, concomitant; "collateral target damage from a bombing run"
  3. serving to support or corroborate; "collateral evidence"
    مرادفات confirmative, confirming, confirmatory, corroborative, corroboratory, substantiating, substantiative, validating, validatory, verificatory, verifying
  1. a security pledged for the repayment of a loan

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. collarmele معنى
  2. collars معنى
  3. collastin معنى
  4. collate معنى
  5. collated معنى
  6. collateral (film) معنى
  7. collateral (finance) معنى
  8. collateral analysis معنى
  9. collateral beauty معنى
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