
dazzling معنى

dazzling أمثلة على
  • adj.
    لامع, ساطع, باهر, متلألئ, رائع
  • n.
    الجهر من شدة الضوء
  • بَاهِر


  1. Perhaps you're all just worried that the Dazzlings will steal your spotlight.
    (Dazzlings) من أن سوف يخطفون الأضواء منكم
  2. We were there when the Dazzlings were singing and we weren't affected.
    (Dazzlings) لقد كنا هناك عندما غنوا ولم نتأثر
  3. Any idea where the Dazzlings might be? (slurps) Ahh.
    (Dazzlings) أي فكرة عن مكان هناك احتفال كبير هذه الليلة وهو لجميع الفرق
  4. The band that will be joining the Dazzlings in tonight's finals... the Rainbooms.
    (Dazzlings) الفرقة التي ستضم ل في النهائيات هذه الليلة (the Rainbooms)
  5. You may have vanquished the Dazzlings, but you will never have the amazing showstopping ability of the great and powerful Trixie.
    لقد فزتي على (the Dazzlings) ولكن أنتي لن تكوني مذهلة أبداً وتقفي أمام قدرات العظيمة , و القوية (تركسي)

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. shining intensely; "the blazing sun"; "blinding headlights"; "dazzling snow"; "fulgent patterns of sunlight"; "the glaring sun"
    مرادفات blazing, blinding, fulgent, glaring, glary
  2. amazingly impressive; suggestive of the flashing of lightning; "the skater''s dazzling virtuosic leaps"; "these great best canvases still look as astonishing and as invitingly new as they did...when...his fulgurant popularity was in full growth"- Janet Flanner; "adventures related...in a style both vivid and fulgurous"- Idwal Jones
    مرادفات eye-popping, fulgurant, fulgurous

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. dazzled معنى
  2. dazzlement معنى
  3. dazzler معنى
  4. dazzlers معنى
  5. dazzles معنى
  6. dazzlingly معنى
  7. daïra معنى
  8. daði freyr معنى
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