
declare معنى

[ di'klɛə ] يبدو
declare أمثلة على
  • v.
    صرح, أعلن, ظهر, أكد, أعلن بشكل عام


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Sooner or later, the Outlands will declare war on us.
    عاجلًا أم آجلًا (بلاد الخارج) سيعلنون الحرب علينا
  2. You should first send a messenger to declare them.
    يجب عليك اولا ان ترسل رسول ليوضح لهم الأمر
  3. As president of student council, I declare this tribunal in session.
    كرئيس إتحاد الطلبة، أعلن إنعقاد هذه المحكمة
  4. When's the proper time to declare one dead?
    ومعها أنسجة الدماغ الكامنة عندما حان الوقت المناسب لإعلان الوفاة؟
  5. Conformement a la loi je vous declare unis... par les liens du mariage.
    وفقا للقانون أعلن ارتباطكما كزوجين

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. state firmly; "He declared that he was innocent"
  2. declare to be; "She was declared incompetent"; "judge held that the defendant was innocent"
    مرادفات adjudge, hold
  3. announce publicly or officially; "The President declared war"
    مرادفات announce
  4. proclaim one''s support, sympathy, or opinion for or against; "His wife declared at once for moving to the West Coast"
  5. state emphatically and authoritatively; "He declared that he needed more money to carry out the task he was charged with"
  6. make a declaration (of dutiable goods) to a customs official; "Do you have anything to declare?"
  7. designate (a trump suit or no-trump) with the final bid of a hand
  8. authorize payments of; "declare dividends"

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. declaratory معنى
  2. declaratory instrument معنى
  3. declaratory interpretation معنى
  4. declaratory judgment معنى
  5. declaratory law معنى
  6. declare bankrupt معنى
  7. declare guilty معنى
  8. declared معنى
  9. declared perimeter معنى
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