
fracture معنى

[ 'fræktʃə ] يبدو
fracture أمثلة على
  • n.
    كسر العظم, شق, تمزق النسيج, نتيجة الكسر
  • v.
    شق, كسر, مزق
  • كَسْر [ج: كُسور]


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. She's got a spinal fracture and massive internal bleeding.
    لديها كسر في العمود الفقري و نزيف الداخلي غزير
  2. There was a severe cervical fracture of the sixth vertebra.
    كان هناك a كسر عنقي حادّ الفقرةِ السادسةِ.
  3. No, these fractures occurred before or immediately after he expired.
    هذه الكسـور حصلت قبـل أو بعد وفاتـه مبـاشـرة
  4. As I suspected, cause of death-- Compound fracture of the skull.
    كما خمنت, سبب الوفاة كسر مضاعف بالجمجمة
  5. Extensive fissures, fractures and breaks to the entire skeleton.
    شقوق واسعة ، وكسور وفواصل في الهيكل العظمي بالكامل

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. the act of cracking something
    مرادفات crack, cracking
  2. (geology) a crack in the earth''s crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other; "they built it right over a geological fault"; "he studied the faulting of the earth''s crust"
    مرادفات fault, faulting, geological fault, shift, break
  3. breaking of hard tissue such as bone; "it was a nasty fracture"; "the break seems to have been caused by a fall"
    مرادفات break
  1. fracture a bone of; "I broke my foot while playing hockey"
    مرادفات break
  2. break (a bone); "She broke her clavicle"
  3. become fractured; "The tibia fractured from the blow of the iron pipe"
  4. violate or abuse; "This writer really fractures the language"
  5. break into pieces; "The pothole fractured a bolt on the axle"
  6. interrupt, break, or destroy; "fracture the balance of power"

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. fractions (mathematics) معنى
  2. fractious معنى
  3. fractiously معنى
  4. fractiousness معنى
  5. fractography معنى
  6. fracture debridement معنى
  7. fracture fixation معنى
  8. fracture fixation set معنى
  9. fracture immobilization معنى
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