
involve معنى

[ in'vɔlv ] يبدو
involve أمثلة على
  • v.
    شارك, التزم, أثر في, استخدم, إنطوى على, ربط, شمل, ورط, اقتضى
  • يَكْتَنِف


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. It was a suicide. Why involve anyone else?
    لقد كان إنتحاراً لماذا يقوموا بتوريط كل شخص آخر ؟
  2. I don't know. Maybe she didn't want to involve you.
    أنا لا أَعرف لَربما هي لَم ترد توريطك
  3. Then let's not involve the Scottish population of New York.
    دعينا لا نجعل كل الإسكتلنديين بـ(نيويورك) يتدخلون بالأمر
  4. That's unacceptable. - Well, if we involve the Russians...
    هذا غير مقبول حسنا ، لو أشركنا الروس معنا
  5. Does this involve dancing? 'Cause my corns, they've been killing me and...
    انتظري هذا لا علاقة له بالرقص

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. make complex or intricate or complicated; "The situation was rather involved"
  2. occupy or engage the interest of; "His story completely involved me during the entire afternoon"
  3. require as useful, just, or proper; "It takes nerve to do what she did"; "success usually requires hard work"; "This job asks a lot of patience and skill"; "This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"; "This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert"; "This intervention does not postulate a patient''s consent"
    مرادفات necessitate, ask, postulate, need, require, take, call for, demand
  4. contain as a part; "Dinner at Joe''s always involves at least six courses"
  5. have as a necessary feature; "This decision involves many changes"
    مرادفات imply
  6. connect closely and often incriminatingly; "This new ruling affects your business"
    مرادفات affect, regard
  7. engage as a participant; "Don''t involve me in your family affairs!"

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. involution (medicine) معنى
  2. involution (meher baba) معنى
  3. involutional معنى
  4. involutional melancholia معنى
  5. involutions معنى
  6. involve with معنى
  7. involved معنى
  8. involvedly معنى
  9. involvement معنى
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