momenta معنى
- الزخم
- What would you rather do, explain to God how you were momentarily weak or explain to my husband, who owns a store full of guns, how he caught crabs?
ماذا كنت تفعل بدلا، explain to God how you were momentarily weak or explain to my husband, who تملك متجر الكامل من البنادق، - The experimental observation and accurate measurement of the effect demonstrated that the phenomenon of magnetization is caused by the alignment (polarization) of the angular momenta of the electrons in the material along the axis of magnetization.
أظهرت الملاحظة التجريبية والقياس الدقيق للتأثير أن ظاهرة المغنطة تنتج عن محاذاة (استقطاب) العزم الزاوي للإلكترونات في المادة على طول محور المغنطة.