
pulse معنى

[ pʌls ] يبدو
pulse أمثلة على
  • n.
    نبض, خفقان, ضربة, الحبوب القطاني نبات, شعور, عاطفة, ذبذبة
  • v.
    نبض, أخذ النبض
  • نَبْض


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. His pulse is weak and he's lost a lot of blood.
    نبضه ضعيفُ وهو مفقودُ الكثير مِنْ الدمِّ.
  2. His pulse is very irregular. The kidneys aren't functioning.
    ان نبضه غير منتظم و لقد توقفت وظائف الكلى
  3. We got four pulse rifles with about 50 rounds each.
    فقط 4 بنادق مع حوالى 50 رصاصة بداخلها
  4. Her neck is broken and there´s no pulse and she´s dead.
    رقبتها مكسورة وليس هناك نبض وهي ميتة
  5. Well, you seem to have the pulse of the men.
    سنداوم على التدريب حتى يتم بالشكل الصحيح تباً

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart; "he could feel the beat of her heart"
    مرادفات pulsation, heartbeat, beat
  2. (electronics) a sharp transient wave in the normal electrical state (or a series of such transients); "the pulsations seemed to be coming from a star"
    مرادفات pulsation, pulsing, impulse
  3. edible seeds of various pod-bearing plants (peas or beans or lentils etc.)
  4. the rate at which the heart beats; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person''s health
    مرادفات pulse rate, heart rate
  1. produce or modulate (as electromagnetic waves) in the form of short bursts or pulses or cause an apparatus to produce pulses; "pulse waves"; "a transmitter pulsed by an electronic tube"
    مرادفات pulsate
  2. expand and contract rhythmically; beat rhythmically; "The baby''s heart was pulsating again after the surgeon massaged it"
    مرادفات pulsate, throb
  3. drive by or as if by pulsation; "A soft breeze pulsed the air"

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. pulsational pair-instability supernova معنى
  2. pulsations معنى
  3. pulsative معنى
  4. pulsator معنى
  5. pulsatory معنى
  6. pulse (physics) معنى
  7. pulse (short story collection) معنى
  8. pulse code modulation معنى
  9. pulse crops معنى
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