
stretch معنى

[ stretʃ ] يبدو
stretch أمثلة على
  • n.
    مسافة, اتساع, مجال, مدى, امتداد, نزهة على القدمين, مط
  • v.
    عمل بالطاقة القصوى, امتد, بذل جهدا, مد, تمدد, تمطط, بسط, بذل جهدا قويا, توسع في تفسير شئ ما
  • شَدّ


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Stretch out my staff against the waters.
    سنعلم ما إذا كان إله راعى الأغنام أقوى من آلهة فرعون
  2. What, will the line stretch out to the crack of doom?
    هل ستمتد سلسلة النسل إلى يوم القيامة؟
  3. He's usin' muscles he never knew he had. Come on, Rock. Stretch now.
    روكى,هيا نرحل قبل ان يقتلونا
  4. Don't worry, Homer. We'll just have to stretch your Christmas bonus...
    لا تقلق يا (هومر)، سنستخدم علاوتك لعيدالميلاد...
  5. All right. One more stretch and then go talk to him.
    حسناً، تمديدة أخرى ثم أذهب للتكلّم معه.

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. easily stretched; "stretch hosiery"
  2. having an elongated seating area; "a stretch limousine"
  1. extend one''s limbs or muscles, or the entire body; "Stretch your legs!"; "Extend your right arm above your head"
    مرادفات extend
  2. extend one''s body or limbs; "Let''s stretch for a minute--we''ve been sitting here for over 3 hours"
    مرادفات stretch out
  3. increase in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance; "stretch the soup by adding some more cream"; "extend the casserole with a little rice"
    مرادفات extend
  4. become longer by being stretched and pulled; "The fabric stretches"
  5. make long or longer by pulling and stretching; "stretch the fabric"
    مرادفات elongate
  6. corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones; "adulterate liquor"
    مرادفات load, adulterate, dilute, debase
  7. extend the scope or meaning of; often unduly; "Stretch the limits"; "stretch my patience"; "stretch the imagination"
  8. pull in opposite directions; "During the Inquisition, the torturers would stretch their victims on a rack"
  9. lie down comfortably; "To enjoy the picnic, we stretched out on the grass"
    مرادفات stretch out
  10. extend or stretch out to a greater or the full length; "Unfold the newspaper"; "stretch out that piece of cloth"; "extend the TV antenna"
    مرادفات unfold, stretch out, extend
  11. occupy a large, elongated area; "The park stretched beneath the train line"
    مرادفات stretch along
  1. the act of physically reaching or thrusting out
    مرادفات reach, reaching
  2. extension to or beyond the ordinary limit; "running at full stretch"; "by no stretch of the imagination"; "beyond any stretch of his understanding"
  3. exercise designed to extend the limbs and muscles to their full extent
    مرادفات stretching
  4. a straightaway section of a racetrack
  5. the capacity for being stretched
    مرادفات stretchiness, stretchability
  6. a large and unbroken expanse or distance; "a stretch of highway"; "a stretch of clear water"
  7. an unbroken period of time during which you do something; "there were stretches of boredom"; "he did a stretch in the federal penitentiary"
    مرادفات stint

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. stressing معنى
  2. stressor معنى
  3. stress–energy tensor معنى
  4. stress–strain analysis معنى
  5. stress–strain curve معنى
  6. stretch (2014 film) معنى
  7. stretch a point معنى
  8. stretch along معنى
  9. stretch four معنى
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