فِعْلاً بالانجليزي
- actually
- فَقْدُ الانْفِعَال athymismus
- اِعْتِلالُ المَفْصِل arthropathy
- ضَعْفُ الاسْتِجابَة inaction
- Whit, beat it. Excuse me?
أَنْتَ فِعْلاً عَلَى حَق، ( وِيتْ ) تَغَلبِي عَلَيهَا - There's already a crisis at the prison? !
هـُنـاك فِعْلاً أزْمَة بالسجـْن ؟ - Hey, that is really nice of you, Rox, letting your friend get with some strange dude in your bed.
مَهـْلاً،هَذافِعْلاًلَطيفٌمِنْكِ(روكس) السَّماحُ لصديقَتك قضاء الليلَة مَع شَخص غريب بِسَريرك - You are the smartest, funniest, most honest, generous, loving person I've ever met. And I'm completely in awe of you.
أَنْتَ الأَذْكَى، المُسَلي، السخِي، الأكْثَرُ صِدقاً، المَحْبُوب الذِي قَابَلتُهُ فِي حَيَاتِي أَنـَا فِعْلاً فِي رَهْبَةٍ مِنْك - Okay, I am staying with Alex, but the only reason why I didn't tell you was because I knew that you would be jealous, and it's really not that big of a deal.
كـان أننِي عَرفتُ بأَنكَ سَتغَار والأمْرُ فِعْلاً لا يتَطـلبُ