
relations أمثلة على


  1. It works two ways.
    نها تحمل معنى مزدوجاً. "تعني العلاقة Relationship كلمة" "تعني سفينة العلاقة Relation ship كلمة"
  2. About your nonrelationship with his grandmother.
    معلومات عن nonrelationship الخاص مع جدته.
  3. You know there relationship was mostly centered around their daughter.
    You know there relationship was mostly centered around their daughter. علاقتهما كانت بسبب ابنتهما على الاغلب
  4. And so, two people who danced together one time entered into an ill-advised, long-term relationship.
    و أيضا شخصين رقصوا مرة واحدة entered into an ill-advised, long-term relationship.
  5. I am so confident about my relationship with Ben that I don't get jealous.
    أنا أثق جدا بعلاقتي مع (بين)ـ Me... I am so confident about my relationship with Ben هذا لايشعرني بالغيره
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