Thanks to His Majesty, you have all been delivered from the darkness and bondage of papal thraldom idolatry and superstition. شُكراً لِفخامتِه، لقَد تم تَسلِيمُكم جميعاً مِن ظَلام وعِبودِيَة البَابَا والوَثنِيه والخُرآفَات
The fact is, I now have a good reason, a very good reason not to wait for the pope's decision. في الحَقِيقَه، لَدي الآن سَبب جَيِد، سَبَب جَيِد جِداً ولَيس الأنتِظَار لِقرَار البَابَا
I have discharged my mind of all such matters and will no more dispute kings' titles, nor popes'. لقَد حَررَت ذِهنِي مِن كُل هَذِه الإمِور ولنَ يكِون هُناك نِزاعَات أكثَر عَن ألقَاب المَلِك ولا البَابَا
Your Majesty, I confess I had some scruples about accepting the office since I must receive it at the pope's hand. فَخامتُك، أعترَف بِأنِي ترَدَدت في قُبول المَنصِب مُنذ أن عَرفت بِأن أستَلمُه مِن يَد البَابَا
I wonder if the pope knows of the reputation Cranmer has here for being devoted heart and soul to the Lutheran movement. أتسائل عَمَا إذَا كَان البَابَا يَعرِف عَن مَكَانة كرانمر هُنا لِكونِه يحَمِل قَلب مخُلص و رُوح إلى الحَركة اللَوثَرِيه
And to show his goodwill I can tell you that he is willing to persuade His Holiness Pope Paul not to publish the sentence of excommunication against the king which would have deprived him of his throne. يمُكنِني أن أقِول لكَ بِأنَه علَى إستِعدَاد لإقنَاع قَداسَته البَابَا "بول" أن لا يعَلِن العِقوبَه الحِرمَان الكَنيسِي "العزل" ضِد المَلك ألذِي سَوف يحَرمُه مِن عَرشِه