Hey, watch where you're going, you old klutz... time adjusted by HiMaBaBy enjoy انتبه للطريق يا رجل
Narrator] Michael's father hadjust installed a hot tub in the attic. [راوي]أبّمايكلhadjust ركّبَ a حمام حارّ في الغرفة العلويةِ.
Narrator] Gob had hidden his father under a house that hadjust collapsed. [راوي]أخفىَفَمَّأبّيه تحت a بيت الذي hadjust إنهارَ.
And now she's talking to a.J. Madjan, the mad Armenian. والآن تتحدث إلى A.J. Madjan والأرمني المجنون.
Unfortunately, her stylist hadjust been called up by his reserve unit. لسوءالحظ،مصمّمهاhadjust إستدعتْ بوحدةِ إحتياطيه.
My dad just came up with a new rule. dadjustي جِئتُنّ بa قاعدة جديدة.
I will introduce them. ousmane Dadjacan alias zicmu. وانا سأخبركم بأسمائهم Ousmane Dadjacan...
And the claims adjustor insists O'Reily have a lumpectomy. لا الأدعاءات تصر على إن أورايلي لديهِ ورم And the claims adjustor insists O'Reily have a lumpectomy.
Narrator] In fact, Oscar was on his way out of town... when he was approached by George Sr... who hadjust escaped from under the house. [راوي]فيالحقيقة،أوسكار كَانَ في الطريق للخروج من البلدةَ... متىهوإقتربَمِنْهمِنقِبلجورجالأب... الذيhadjustهَربَ مِنْ تحت البيتِ.
And so what you need to do is compensate for risk-adjusted performance... and that's where all the bodies are buried. روجرام راجان كبير الاقتصاديين مؤسسة النقد الدولى و كل ما عليك أن تفعله هو التعويض بالأداء منضبط المخاطر Risk-adjusted performance و هنا حيث تحترق كل الهيئات