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تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد

alive معنى

النطق [ ə'laiv ]   يبدو
"alive" أمثلة على
الترجمة العربيةجوال إصدار
  • adj.
    على قيد الحياة, ناشط, حي
  • حَيّ (على قيد الحياة)
  • These days I hardly feel alive unless my stomach hurts.
    أصبحت لا أشعر بالحياة إلا إن آلمتني معدتي
  • Aella ordered him bound... and thrown alive into the wolf pit.
    أيللا أمر بألقائه حيا ومقيدا لوكر الذئاب
  • If you're the last one left alive after 30 hours...
    إذا كنت الأخير الباقي حياً بعد 30 ساعة
  • Because it wasn't his time yet. I need him alive for now.
    لم يحن وقته بعد أحتاجه حيا
  • I was buried alive in an air raid in England.
    لقد دفنت حيا اثناء غاره جويه فى انجلترا
  • I've stayed alive by not relying on anybody.
    انا لازلت حيا بأعتمادي على نفسي وليس لأعتمادي على احد
  • Captured and brought back alive by Miss T.J. Breckenridge!
    تم امساكه و اعادته حيا بواسطه مسز تى جاى
  • How she'll be grieved to leave me alive and sinful
    كم ستكون حزينة لأنها تركتني حياً و "آثماً"
  • Yes, we used their bodies, alive and dead, experimentally.
    نعم ، كنا نستعمل أجسادهم أحياً أم أمواتاً للتجارب
  • That is, of course, if she's still alive and kicking.
    هذا بالطبع إذا كانت لازالت على قيد الحياه
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3  4  5
تعريف الإنجليزية
  • possessing life; "the happiest person alive"; "the nerve is alive"; "doctors are working hard to keep him alive"; "burned alive"; "a live canary"
    مرادفات: live,

  • having life or vigor or spirit; "an animated and expressive face"; "animated conversation"; "became very animated when he heard the good news"
    مرادفات: animated,

  • capable of erupting; "a live volcano"; "the volcano is very much alive"
    مرادفات: live,

  • mentally perceptive and responsive;"an alert mind"; "alert to the problems"; "alive to what is going on"; "awake to the dangers of her situation"; "was now awake to the reality of his predicament"
    مرادفات: alert, awake,

  • (often followed by `with'') full of life and spirit; "she was wonderfully alive for her age"; "a face alive with mischief"

  • in operation; "keep hope alive"; "the tradition was still alive"; "an active tradition"
    مرادفات: active,

  • (followed by `to'' or `of'') aware of; "is alive to the moods of others"